pearl lacrosse

2021 College Lax Season is here!

The months of anticipation are now over, and college lacrosse season is here. We, at PEARL, couldn’t be more excited for the season and are ready to cheer on teams from all across the country! We are humbled to know that PEARL lacrosse balls are now being used by 100+ college lacrosse programs across the

2021-02-23T21:18:16-05:00February 23rd, 2021|Blog, Lacrosse|

The Ball Makes a Difference

Greasers. We all know what they are, and it’s safe to say that we’re speaking for everyone when we say that we’re not fans.  Not only do greasers harden over time, they also get extremely slippery, which causes issues when using them in game play.  The below video was taken during the Nike National All

2021-01-28T15:35:44-05:00January 28th, 2021|Blog, Lacrosse|

Preparing for the 2021 season from home

By now, we’re all used to spending more time at home than we did in the past. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t step up your lacrosse game from your own home! Below are a few ways you can prepare yourself for the 2021 season….at home.  Get in cardio shape - Take a long walk,

2021-01-20T20:36:11-05:00January 20th, 2021|Blog, Lacrosse|

Top Lacrosse Communities

At PEARL, we love the game of lacrosse, and we also love to support lacrosse-driven communities. Lacrosse communities are important for networking, staying up to date with the latest lax trends, coach/player development, and so much more. We’re proud to be partnered with US Lacrosse, the Intercollegiate Men’s Lacrosse Coaches Association (IMLCA), and the Men’s

2021-01-07T14:59:39-05:00January 7th, 2021|Blog, Lacrosse|

Who is POWLAX?

If you’re an experienced laxer you’ve most likely heard of POWLAX, or even watched some of his YouTube videos. POWLAX (AKA Patrick Chapla) is a master lacrosse coach who specializes in creating video content to benefit lacrosse players. How it all began: Lacrosse was not the first sport Patrick played, but it was the sport

2020-12-18T15:17:23-05:00December 18th, 2020|Blog, Lacrosse|

PEARL Customer Satisfaction Survey Recap – 2020

Making a great product is awesome, but having satisfied customers is even more exciting. At PEARL, we are constantly looking to our customers for ways to improve our product and the sport of lacrosse. With that in mind, we try to conduct an anonymous survey every year in effort to solicit honest feedback from our

2020-11-25T15:44:58-05:00November 25th, 2020|Lacrosse|

Are all lacrosse balls the same? PEARL X is built different

If you’re an experienced lacrosse player or coach, you know that traditional lacrosse balls turn into greasers and harden over time. You’ve probably had to soak your ball in hot water, purchase lacrosse ball degreasers, or mess with ball scratchers. It shouldn’t have to be that way… We knew we could fix this issue and

2020-11-19T16:27:45-05:00November 19th, 2020|Lacrosse|

PEARL Named Official Ball of the IMLCA

PEARL is thrilled to be named the “Official Ball” of the Intercollegiate Men’s Lacrosse Coaches Association (IMLCA)! This agreement designates PEARL as the Official Supplier of the IMLCA, the IMLCA Coaches Convention, and other events for 2020 and 2021.  “The PEARL team is excited to partner with the IMLCA. Our premium ball is the perfect

2020-11-11T15:55:49-05:00November 11th, 2020|Lacrosse|
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