A Summer To Remember at PEARL Lacrosse!

It's been a busy summer for us at PEARL. We're happy to support events, camps, tournaments, and clinics that are helping to grow the game! Many of these premiere lacrosse events are using our premier PEARL balls. We thank all of our partners for the support and for a great summer! MCLA Championships

2022-08-03T14:06:20-04:00August 3rd, 2022|Blog, Lacrosse|

Greasers: Exposed | POWLAX on Greasers

Sometimes, even the best athletes can become hindered by their equipment, and lacrosse is no different. In lacrosse, one of the greatest issues athletes face is greasers. We got to hear from Patrick from POWLAX about his take on greasers, and what he thinks the solution is. Rundown on Greasers In

2022-04-14T14:15:50-04:00April 14th, 2022|Blog, Lacrosse|

Who is POWLAX?

If you’re an experienced laxer you’ve most likely heard of POWLAX, or even watched some of his YouTube videos. POWLAX (AKA Patrick Chapla) is a master lacrosse coach who specializes in creating video content to benefit lacrosse players. How it all began: Lacrosse was not the first sport Patrick played, but it was the sport

2020-12-18T15:17:23-05:00December 18th, 2020|Blog, Lacrosse|
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