high school football

High School Football Matchups of the Week

Welcome to another week of high school football matchups!  It’s Thanksgiving week, which means millions of Americans will be gathering around the dinner table to celebrate our many reasons to be thankful. Whether you're celebrating in person or remotely, we hope you have a fantastic time with friends and family! At Guardian, we are incredibly

2020-11-25T15:46:52-05:00November 25th, 2020|Football|

High School Football Matchups of the Week

Welcome to another week of high school football matchups!  Halloween has passed, Thanksgiving is approaching, and households across the country are debating the proper timeline for displaying Christmas decorations (pre or post-Thanksgiving?). There are a lot of great holidays around this time of year, including The Masters, but nothing compares to Friday night playoffs under

2020-11-11T19:09:41-05:00November 11th, 2020|Football|

High School Football Matchups of the Week

Welcome to another week of high school football matchups! As we approach Halloween, we can celebrate the treat of many great games being played under the lights this weekend. Best of luck to all the teams slugging it out in the playoffs. With all the uncertainty of this past year, it is good to remember

2020-10-28T20:11:52-04:00October 28th, 2020|Football|

High School Football Matchups of the Week

Here are some of our top high school football matchups of the week. Welcome back to another exciting week of high school football. Friday Night Lights has looked different this year as many teams have been forced to delay or reschedule their seasons due to Covid-19. However, there is still a lot of football to

2020-10-08T13:31:43-04:00October 8th, 2020|Football|
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