How Are Lacrosse Balls Made: BTS with PEARL

Ever wonder how lacrosse balls are made? The making of the most innovative, consistent, and reliable lacrosse ball process is usually top secret, but we’re taking you behind the scenes of the PEARL process and testing at our Georgia facility- the only American lacrosse ball manufacturer!
The Process:

Pigment and Formula
PEARLs are manufactured right here in the USA, starting with our proprietary re-engineered formula. The first lacrosse ball to never grease or harden!

Formula is Poured Into Molds
Balls are poured into molds, casted and cured down the manufacturing line.

Balls Dry in Trays
The balls are removed from the molds and placed in trays. This is where they will cool and dry after going through the oven.

All lacrosse balls must meet four specifications outlined by NOCSAE to get the SEI certified stamp of approval for game day use. These four specifications are: weight, circumference, compression deflections (C-D), and coefficient of restitution (COR). Remember that all lacrosse balls are marked with the certification stamp at the time of manufacture. That makes it even more important that you know your lacrosse balls can stay in spec because balls made outside of the USA can grease and harden out of spec before you even take them to the field. Unlink rubber lacrosse balls, PEARL lacrosse balls never grease and never harden, staying in spec from the time of manufacture and throughout its lifetime, saving you money and consistency.

Weight must be within 5.0 to 5.25 oz.

Circumference must be within 7.75 to 8.0 in.
C-D (Compression Deflection)
At 25% displacement C-D value must be within 130 ± 20 lbs.
It should take anywhere between 110 and 150 lbs of weight to compress the ball to 75% of its size. Telling you whether the ball is too soft or too hard.
For this test the ball will be placed between two plates. The pressure on the ball will slowly increase until the ball’s diameter is 3/4 of what it normally is. If the ball is between the 110 lbs and 150 lbs requirement it will be deemed legal to be distributed. Anything outside of this will be considered too hard or too soft and fail the test.
COR (Coefficient Of Restitution)
COR value must be within 0.60 to 0.70
We shoot the lacrosse balls out of an air cannon and the ball passes through two laser beams that measures the inbound velocity and the outbound velocity on the rebound off the wall. The COR is the ratio to make sure the ball maintains a sufficient velocity on rebounds.

Balls are Ready for Packaging
Once they have passed all standards tests, the balls are counted and ready to go into buckets or to be heat sealed into their packs.