What is the purpose of a Guardian Cap? The Guardian Cap was created to bring a soft padded layer to the outside of hard-shell helmets. They are also designed to move independently of the helmet below, allowing for forces to be redirected around the head. Lighter color Guardian Caps also reduce radiant heat up to 20 degrees F. Lastly, the coefficient of friction of a Guardian Cap is less than that of hard shelled helmet, allowing for less grab.
Physics say that an outer “soft” material of the proper density, stiffness and energy absorbing properties reduces the initial severity of the impact. The hard shell then has lower forces transmitted to it, and in turn conveys lower forces to the interior soft helmet padding and then lower forces to the head. Very similar to a NASCAR driver and the soft wall technology that tracks have adopted or even automobiles and the soft bumpers and airbags that are now required. The Guardian Cap serves the same purpose for an athlete—a soft shell barrier between it and impact.
We have heard stories of reduced impact to ribs, QB hands, OL fingers, knees, heads, etc. The Guardian Cap reduces the impact of constant hits in practice.