Having To Replace Your Infill Early?

Having To Replace Your Infill Early? Infill, the material within the synthetic turf that provides stability, cushioning, and support, is crucial to maintaining the longevity and permeability of the field.
Labosport conducted tests to measure the friability and durability of Guardian Turf Infill in March. Friability of infill measures its resistance to mechanical wear by usage, which conducts changes of its particle size distribution. The greater variation in particle size distribution, the greater the friability.
Most infills perform at 60% correlation, whereas Guardian Turf Infill performed at 89% correlation.
Our Bio-Based TPE Infill has been third party tested by Firefly, Labosport and Pro Turf Lab in order to maintain our optimal performance and safety standards. Guardian TPE will last the life of the field and can be used on future installs.
The closed pore system provides a clean install with minimal splash and no added maintenance. The material is intended to last the life of the field, pulled up and recycled for additional use.
Guardian’s STC Certified TPE Infill has been cooling fields throughout North America since 2016. This is a bio-based sustainable infill manufactured in the USA. The unique shape of the infill allows for ideal compaction for optimal energy restitution, ball rebound and rotational resistance.
If you are finding yourself having to replace your infill early, get a quote for Guardian Infill.