Can Youth Football Be Safer?

Did you know that 70% of football players are youth? An area of concern for parents of youth football players has been whether their child’s participation may predispose them to risks that have been reported for older players.
A clinical study conducted at Rutgers University had twenty youth players participate in all practices and games while wearing a InSite impact monitoring system. This records the number of hits and the intensity of each hit.
The use of Guardian Caps and additional safety precautions resulted in less severe impacts at the youth level. The study revealed 88% of impacts as low intensity, 11% as medium intensity and just 0.1% as high intensity.
Our National Sales Manager, Tony Plagman, talks about the Rutgers clinical study and their findings regarding Guardian Caps. It is important to put your players in Caps as early as you can to reduce the impact of repetitive hits over time.
We sat down with a Guardian Cap dad and mom to discuss why they chose to put their son in a Guardian Cap. Guardian Caps are worn by 200+ colleges, 2000+ high schools, 500+ youth programs, and all 32 NFL Teams.
Guardian Caps are worn by 300,000+ athletes nationwide to reduce impact during practice. The caps have elastic attachment straps that stretch to fit all sizes, makes, and models of helmets. Coaches, athletic trainers, equipment managers, parents, and players are all recognizing the impact of Guardian Caps.