Why 2nd Skull is great for soccer players

Our new product, 2nd Skull, offers superior protection for all players in all sports…including soccer!
Soccer is a high-impact sport.
Soccer is a contact sport, and there is no doubt about it. Whether you are fearlessly attempting a header off a corner or tackling a charging opponent, collisions and high impacts are inevitable in the beautiful game.
The American Association of Neurological Surgeons reported:
“The following sports/recreational activities represent the categories contributing to the highest number of estimated head injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms in 2018.
- Cycling: 64,411
- Football: 51,892
- Baseball and Softball: 24,516
- Basketball: 38,898
- Powered Recreational Vehicles (ATVs, Dune Buggies, Go-Carts, Mini bikes): 30,222
- Soccer: 26,955”
Source: https://www.aans.org/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Sports-related-Head-Injury
So, as you can see in this report, soccer is a high impact sport and head injuries are way too frequent.
The 2nd Skull Headband is engineered to reduce head impact in soccer and offers the added protection that soccer players need.
Linear Impact and Projectile Testing – Soccer
Linear, projectile and rotational testing conducted at independent third party laboratories adhering to NOCSAE and ASTM standards for new helmets. Helmet testing comparison featured standard unprotected head forms and head forms with 2nd Skull® caps to measure variances in Severity Index, Angular Acceleration and Peak (g) improvement. For non-helmet activities, standard head forms were tested against head forms with 2nd Skull® headbands to measure variances in Force Improvement.

Want to learn more about the protection 2nd Skull offers?
Contact our team now, and we’ll help answer any additional questions you may have.