Where Can I Order All of My PPE for COVID?

In light of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Guardian now has an array of PPE products for COVID available at our Georgia facility ready to ship – Liquid Hand Sanitizer, Gel Hand Sanitizer, Daily Civilian Masks, Surface Disinfectant, and Multi-Surface Sanitizer Wipes.
Our founders also own a veteran chemical engineering company, The Hanson Group that they started in 1996. When the pandemic began, THG already had the resources to source, manufacture, package and ship bulk hand sanitizer and source daily face masks. Guardian had the webstore and presence to get the word out there.
Our Guardian Liquid Hand Sanitizer and Gel Hand Sanitizer is 80% alcohol and meets the recommended formula by the CDC, FDA, & WHO to address COVID-19. Our half gallon and gallon options are great for refilling your empty sanitizer bottles. We’re proud to say that we make our sanitizer in our US-based, FDA and EPA registered facilities. While we sell gallons on our webstore, we have 2oz, 4oz, 8oz, and bulk quantities in pails, drums, totes, and truckloads available. We also have the ability to private label for interested customers. Contact us for a quote on sanitizer.
In April, the CDC recommended the use of a mask when out in public. Because of The Hanson Group’s connections overseas we were also able to import 1.5 million Daily Civilian Masks from an FDA registered facility. These masks are 3 Ply, non-woven, disposable masks, with a Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE) rating of > 99%. A carton of disposable facemasks provides your employees and customers with an abundance of clean masks that can simply be thrown away after each use. This removes the hassle of washing reusable masks multiple times a week.
Guardian also has PROXITANE® AHC Industrial Surface Disinfectant which is a hospital-grade formulation that’s effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi and is approved for use by the EPA against SARS-CoV-2, the virus strain that causes COVID-19 (EPA Reg. Number 68660-11). This industrial surface disinfectant comes as a concentrate that you mix with water and you can wipe or spray it on all hard, non-porous surfaces such as schools, offices, stadiums, industrial buildings, walls, tables, bathrooms, refrigerators, fields, and sports equipment. Our price comes in at $0.19/gallon applied which is lower than competitors in the market. This is an industrial surface disinfectant and is not for consumer use. We have this listed on our store so you can see info but you must submit a quote and work directly with our sales team to purchase.
Guardian has partnered with Shark Armor to provide Multi-Purpose Sanitizer Wipes pre-moistened with 80% denatured ethyl alcohol to be used for all business and personal sanitizing needs. These wipes are safe and effective for killing germs on most hard surfaces and hands. These wipes can also be dispensed in suitable dispensers based on dimensions. The wipes are made in the USA with an 80% alcohol + moisturizer formula that follows CDC recommendations for hand sanitizer. We have this listed on our store so you can see info but you must submit a quote and work directly with our sales team to purchase.