An Analysis of Youth Football Head Impact Data

Is Youth Football Safe?
Is youth football safe? An analysis of youth football head impact data by neurosurgeons from Rutgers Medial School.
Robert F Heary, MD, Neil Majmundar, MD, Roxanne Nagurka, BA Published: 28 January 2020
What new strategies has your youth league implemented in the past 5 years? Maybe it’s an increase in technology, more efficient registration/paperwork processes, or new equipment options. Have you tracked how these things have helped? In any organization, it’s important to analyze the exact effects of the changes we make.
Neurosurgeons from Rutgers Medical School published a study on a 7th/8th grade program while utilizing Guardian Caps and safe tackling techniques. Please see the graphic for an overview of the study and click the buttons below to request more info.
Our thoughts:
“Is Youth Football Safe?”
Football has many positives: leadership, discipline, teamwork, a sense of belonging, but it’s also a collision sport. That means that parents and players have the tough task of deciding whether the rewards outweigh the risks.
We have many former NFL players who come into our office and tell us that they would 100% play again, but they would reduce any of the risk they could. That’s why they make sure their sons wear Guardian Caps and practice better tackling techniques. The middle school team in the study linked did the same – they used impact monitors, learned safe tacking techniques, and added Guardian Caps. No team can prevent all injuries and no equipment can prevent concussions, but reducing up to 33% of the impact players experience to the head and other body parts can’t hurt, and probably helps. The AMA recommended in 1968 that helmets have an exterior padding to prevent the helmet from being used as a weapon. So while Guardian Caps can’t make the decision of whether it’s safe to play, we can provide a solution that’s been tested and proven to reduce some of the risk.

Robert F Heary, MD
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey
Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar
Neil Majmundar, MD
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey
Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar
Roxanne Nagurka, BA
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey
Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar